Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Playing History at GDC Part 1--Myst and Jet Grind Radio

Okay, let me clarify what's been going on; I have to write about this.
I've been fortunate enough to receive a position as a CA (I think it stands for Conference Associate, but it basically means a volunteer) at GDC. Aside from getting the amazing opportunity to see a sneak preview of the game industry, I get to meet so many incredible people! I'm working all this week, which means the best parts haven't even happened yet (probably).

I want to take a moment and tell you guys about the games I've played so far. There was a little video game history exhibit and I got to play some of the games between shifts. They're amazing!

Myst was the first game I played--it caught my eye because I had just read about it in "All Your Base Are Belong to Us". I have to say, it wasn't anything like I expected. Up until now I had only seen screenshots of it, but I never knew the game was composed completely of screenshots! However, it was really interesting to play and I can imagine how hooked some players would have gotten trying to solve all of the puzzles in that amazing Myst-erious world.

The second game I played was Jet Grind [Set] Radio which I have always wanted to play--I learned from the exhibit that it was the first game to use cel-shading animation. I have to say it looked absolutely fantastic--I would have never guessed that it was the first! I loved playing it because the environments and world were one eye-candy experience after the next. The controls were a little tough to pick up, but after the tutorial levels I was pretty well acquainted. I only got through the a small portion, but I will definitely be buying that game if I ever get the chance.

I'll be talking more about the games I've played as the week goes on!

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